Agilent n2x manual
· OCTO -- Ixia has signed a definitive agreement with Agilent Technologies Inc., under which Ixia will acquire Agilent's N2X Data Networks product line for $44 million in cash. Subject. Title: External Protocol Analyzer Time Correlation Online Help Author: Agilent Technologies, Inc. Created Date: Z. The Keysight / Agilent NxA Series N2X Chassis are the industry's most comprehensive test solution for testing the development and deployment Brand: Keysight / Agilent.
The N2X NA is a protocol analyzer from Agilent. Analyzers are key tools to test electronic equipment in the engineering, medical, automotive, and technological industries. Use analyzers for monitoring the performances of many different types of electronic devices. You may need analyzers for the measurement of components such as audio. N2X Traffic Generation and Analysis - N2X Fast Find Instructions Test Example: Port Setup Step 1 Add one module to your N2X configuration; for this example we use a dummy module: Step 2 Open a new N2X test session and add 2 dummy Ethernet ports. Ports numbered 64xx and lower are real ports. Ports numbered 65xx and higher are dummy ports. Agilent N2X Agilent NetworkTester The Agilent NetworkTester is a highly scalable flexible solution for performance testing L security and content networking devices. • Broad set of L protocols including 1st to market IPv6. • Common Tcl API for test automation. The Agilent NetworkTester as a companion to the Agilent N2X.
Logic analyzer vendors, such as Tektronics* and Agilent*, provide integration with the tool to improve usability. In-System Sources and Probes. Important Notice: Other accessories, manuals, cables, calibration data, software, etc. are not included with this equipment unless listed in the above stock. 8 មករា Agilent. N2X. Packets and Protocols. Getting Started Guide Agilent Technologies, Inc. No part of this manual may be reproduced in.