Bumed organization manual
OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS ORGANIZATION AND OPERATIONS MANUAL FOR DEPUTY CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS (INSTALLATIONS AND LOGISTICS) (CNO N4) Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, Installations and Logistics (N4) Functions Ref: (a) OPNAVINST (b) OPNAVINST (c) OPNAVINST B 1. BUMED INST Series Operational Concept for Medical Support and Casualty Management in Chemical and Biological Warfare Environments (Geneva Conventions) BUMED INST Series ** (NAVEDTRA ) Decedent Affairs Manual (DIA M) BUMED INST Series BUMED Organization Manual Medicine. The Bureau of Medicine and Surgery is an agency of the United States Department of the Navy that manages health care activities for the United States Navy and the United States Marine Corps. BUMED operates hospitals and other health care facilities as well as laboratories for biomedical research, and trains and manages the Navy's many staff corps related to medicine. Its headquarters is located at the .
medical department organization bumed 00 return to administrative section welcome page exec. asst. 00a vice commander force master chief (01) asst chief, resource mgmt. 01 comptroller 11 budget 14 accounting 15 manpower (02) asst chief, operational medicine 21 undersea med 22 surface med women at sea 23 aerospace med 24 prev/occ med. BUMED-M9 BUMED INSTRUCTION From: Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Subj: GLOBAL HEALTH SPECIALIST PROGRAM Ref: (a) Joint Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, Facilities-Policy Change Recommendation for Naval Expeditionary Health. bureau of medicine and surgery organization manual: ch 2/27/ organization manual for naval medical and dental treatment facilities (mtfs and dtfs) 10/14/ naval aerospace medical research laboratory, pensacola, fl; mission and functions of: b: 8/3/ mission, functions, and tasks of naval healthcare.
INTRODUCTION TO THE MARINE CORPS PERSONNEL MANUAL PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION IN ATTACHED ORGANIZATIONS through units of the Organized Marine. Highly rated as Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) Comptroller, Commander, Formulate budget and cost estimates to support organizational. Deputy Chief (Surgeon General and Deputy Surgeon General, respectively); this includes the Medical and Future. Operations Directorate. BUMED Medical and Future.